Easy and Authentic Chicken Vindaloo Recipe (Goa on Your Plate)

Calling all spice enthusiasts and adventurous foodies! Get ready to ignite your taste buds with an extraordinary culinary experience as we delve into the tantalizing world of Chicken Vindaloo. Originating from the sunny coasts of Goa, this vibrant and spicy dish has gained a well-deserved reputation as a favorite among Indian cuisine lovers worldwide.

In this blog post, we’re going to unveil the secrets of creating the perfect Chicken Vindaloo right in your own kitchen. 

From the origins of this delightful dish to the step-by-step recipe, we’ll guide you through every aspect, ensuring you have all the tools to create an unforgettable meal.

But hold on, we have something special for you! We’ll also share expert tips, helpful substitutes, and nutritional information to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this delightful dish. 

So, whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, get ready to embark on a flavorful adventure that will leave you craving for more.

Now, grab your aprons, spice up your culinary repertoire, and get ready to indulge in the exotic flavors of Goa with our Chicken Vindaloo recipe. 

Chicken Vindaloo Recipe

What is Chicken vindaloo (A brief overview)

In this section, we’ll take you on a journey through the origins, colors, flavors, textures, cooking time, method of cooking, nutritional value, and serving suggestions of this delectable dish. 


Chicken Vindaloo traces its roots back to Goa, a coastal state in Western India. Influenced by Portuguese cuisine, this dish is a perfect blend of Indian and European flavors. 

Originally known as “Carne de Vinha d’Alhos” meaning meat marinated in garlic wine vinegar, Chicken Vindaloo has evolved over time to incorporate the bold and vibrant spices of Indian cuisine.


Prepare to feast your eyes on a dish that showcases a stunning blend of colors. 

Chicken Vindaloo’s rich and golden gravy, with hues of red from the spices and vibrant green from the garnishing cilantro leaves, creates a visually captivating experience that entices the senses.


Chicken Vindaloo is renowned for its bold and spicy flavor profile. The combination of tanginess from vinegar, heat from red chilies, and earthiness from aromatic spices like cumin, coriander, cloves, and cinnamon creates a symphony of flavors that dance on your palate. 

The flavors are robust and well-balanced, making each bite an explosion of taste.


In terms of texture, Chicken Vindaloo offers a delightful contrast. The tender and succulent pieces of chicken soak up the rich and flavorful gravy, resulting in a melt-in-your-mouth experience. 

Cooking Time

While Chicken Vindaloo is a dish that requires some patience, it is well worth the wait. 

The marinating process and slow cooking on low heat allow the flavors to develop and intensify over time. 

From marinating the chicken to simmering the dish, the cooking time typically ranges from 1 to 1.5 hours, ensuring a dish that is packed with flavor.

Method of Cooking

Chicken Vindaloo is traditionally cooked in a large, deep pan or a Dutch oven. The process involves marinating the chicken, sautéing onions, adding the spice blend, cooking the chicken with tomatoes, and simmering it until tender. 

The slow-cooking method allows the flavors to meld together and create a robust and aromatic gravy.

Nutritional Value

In addition to its incredible taste, Chicken Vindaloo offers nutritional benefits. 

It is a good source of protein from the chicken, while the spices used in the dish, such as turmeric, cumin, and coriander, are known for their potential health benefits

The exact nutritional values can vary based on ingredients and portion sizes, but Chicken Vindaloo can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.

Info on Serving

Chicken Vindaloo is best enjoyed piping hot and served with steamed basmati rice, naan bread, or crusty bread. 

The rice or bread acts as the perfect accompaniment to soak up the delicious gravy. Consider adding a side of cucumber raita or yogurt to balance the spiciness of the dish. 

Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves to add a vibrant touch and enhance the visual appeal of the dish.

Ingredients for the recipe

In this section, I’ll tell you all the ingredients you need to make the authentic Chicken vindaloo recipe. 


The star of our recipe! Choose boneless chicken pieces (about 1.5 pounds) for a tender and juicy result. Chicken adds a mild and succulent base to the dish, allowing the flavors of the spices to shine through.


A key ingredient that gives Chicken Vindaloo its distinctive tanginess. Vinegar not only adds acidity but also helps tenderize the meat, making it even more delicious. 

You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar for a fruity touch.


Ah, the heavenly aroma of garlic! This ingredient is essential in countless dishes, and Chicken Vindaloo is no exception. 

The pungent garlic cloves infuse the dish with their rich flavor, complementing the spices and adding depth to the overall taste.


A close companion of garlic, ginger adds a delightful zing to the Vindaloo. Its warm and slightly spicy notes balance the dish, enhancing the overall flavor profile. 

Be sure to use fresh ginger, grated or finely chopped, for the best results.

Red Chilies

Brace yourself for some heat! Red chilies are the backbone of the fiery flavors in Chicken Vindaloo. They bring a spicy kick that awakens your taste buds and adds that characteristic “zing” to the dish. Adjust the amount of chilies according to your heat preference.

Spices (Cumin, Coriander, Turmeric, Cloves, Cinnamon)

This aromatic blend of spices forms the heart and soul of Chicken Vindaloo. Cumin and coriander provide earthy undertones, while turmeric adds a beautiful golden hue. The fragrant cloves and cinnamon lend warmth and complexity to the dish, elevating it to a whole new level of deliciousness.


Ah, the sweet and savory onions! They bring a delightful sweetness and texture to our Chicken Vindaloo. When cooked down, onions meld with the other flavors, adding a beautiful depth and complexity to the overall dish.


Juicy and vibrant, tomatoes provide a burst of freshness to balance the spices in the Vindaloo. They add a slight tanginess and contribute to the overall richness of the gravy. 

Opt for ripe tomatoes or canned tomatoes for convenience.


We need good quality cooking oil to bring all the flavors together. You can use any neutral oil, like vegetable oil or sunflower oil. 

The oil helps sauté the ingredients, allowing the flavors to develop and mingle harmoniously.


A simple ingredient yet crucial for balancing the flavors in any dish. Salt enhances the taste of the other ingredients, ensuring a well-rounded and satisfying final result. 

Adjust the amount according to your preference, but remember to taste as you go.

Substitutions for the ingredients

In the last section, we explored the exciting world of Chicken Vindaloo and the essential ingredients that make this dish truly remarkable. 

In this section, we are here to save the day if you are missing a key ingredient from a recipe. 

Fear not! We’ve got some fantastic substitutes up our sleeves. 

So, let’s dive in and discover the alternatives that will help you create a delicious Chicken Vindaloo experience, even if you’re missing a few ingredients.

Substitutes for the Ingredients:


If you find yourself without vinegar, fret not! You can substitute it with lemon juice or lime juice. The tanginess of these citrus juices will still provide the necessary acidity to balance the flavors in the dish. 

Simply use the same amount of lemon or lime juice as the vinegar mentioned in the recipe.

Red Chilies

If you prefer a milder version of Chicken Vindaloo or if you’ve run out of red chilies, you can replace them with red chili powder or cayenne pepper. 

Start by using half the amount of chili powder or cayenne pepper as the quantity of red chilies mentioned in the recipe. You can always add more if you desire more heat.

Spices (Cumin, Coriander, Turmeric, Cloves, Cinnamon)

These aromatic spices are integral to the flavor profile of Chicken Vindaloo. However, if you’re missing one or more of these spices, you can still create a delicious dish with a few tweaks. Substitute the missing spices with garam masala, a popular Indian spice blend readily available in most grocery stores. 

Use the same quantity of garam masala as the combined amount of the individual spices mentioned in the recipe.


In case you don’t have the recommended cooking oil on hand, don’t worry! You can substitute it with any other neutral cooking oil, such as canola oil or grapeseed oil. 

These oils won’t significantly affect the flavor of the dish, ensuring you can still enjoy the authentic taste of Chicken Vindaloo.

Using the Substitutes

When using substitutes, it’s important to remember that the flavor profile of the dish may vary slightly from the original recipe. 

Feel free to experiment and adjust the quantities based on your personal preferences. 

While the substitutions may alter the flavor slightly, the essence of Chicken Vindaloo will remain.

How to make Chicken vindaloo (Step-by-step)

Chicken vindaloo

Get ready to embark on a flavorful journey as we guide you through the step-by-step process of making Chicken Vindaloo. 

Don’t worry if you’re a beginner in the kitchen—we’ve got you covered with detailed instructions. So, let’s put on our aprons and get cooking!

Step 1: Marinating the Chicken

In a large bowl, combine the boneless chicken pieces with 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 4 cloves of minced garlic, and 1 tablespoon of grated ginger. 

Mix well to ensure the chicken is coated with the marinade.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a lid and let the chicken marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, or ideally, overnight. This will allow the flavors to penetrate the meat and make it more tender and delicious.

Step 2: Preparing the Spice Blend

In a small bowl, combine 1 teaspoon of ground cumin, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander, 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric, 4 cloves, and a small piece of cinnamon stick (about 1 inch). 

Mix them together to create a flavorful spice blend.

Pro tip: For an extra kick, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of red chili powder to the spice blend. Adjust the amount according to your heat preference.

Step 3: Sautéing the Onions

Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large, deep pan or Dutch oven over medium heat.

Add 1 finely chopped onion to the pan and sauté until it turns golden brown, stirring occasionally. This process will take around 5-7 minutes.

Cooking tip: To speed up the process, you can add a pinch of salt to the onions. It helps draw out the moisture and caramelize them faster.

Step 4: Adding the Spice Blend

Once the onions are nicely browned, add the prepared spice blend to the pan. Stir well to coat the onions evenly with the spices.

Cook the spice blend and onions together for about 1 minute, stirring continuously. This will allow the spices to release their flavors and aromas.

Step 5: Cooking the Chicken

Now it’s time to add the marinated chicken to the pan. Stir it well with the onions and spices, ensuring each piece is coated.

Cook the chicken over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is lightly browned on the outside.

Step 6: Adding Tomatoes and Simmering

Add 2 chopped tomatoes to the pan and stir them into the chicken mixture. The tomatoes will add a burst of freshness and tanginess to the dish.

Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan. 

Let the Chicken Vindaloo simmer gently for around 30-40 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and tender. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

Step 7: Adjusting the Seasoning

Taste the Chicken Vindaloo and season with salt according to your preference. 

Add a little at a time, tasting as you go, until the flavors are perfectly balanced.

Feel free to add a squeeze of lemon juice at this stage if you prefer a bit more tanginess.

Step 8: Serving and Enjoying

Your delectable Chicken Vindaloo is now ready to be served! 

Garnish it with fresh cilantro leaves for a vibrant touch.

Serve it hot with steamed basmati rice, naan bread, or even crusty bread to soak up the delicious gravy. 

It also pairs well with a cooling cucumber raita or a side of yogurt.

I have included more serving options below!

Expert Tips

As you dive into the world of Chicken Vindaloo, I want to equip you with some expert tips that will elevate your cooking experience. 

These helpful pointers will ensure that your Chicken Vindaloo turns out absolutely scrumptious. So, let’s get ready to take your dish to the next level!

Marinate for maximum flavor:

Don’t rush the marinating process. Allowing the chicken to marinate for at least 30 minutes, or better yet, overnight, will infuse it with the rich flavors of garlic, ginger, and vinegar. This extra step ensures every bite is bursting with deliciousness.

Adjust the spice level:

Chicken Vindaloo is known for its spice, but feel free to customize it according to your taste preferences. If you prefer a milder version, reduce the amount of red chilies or chili powder. 

On the other hand, if you’re a spice lover, add a bit more for an extra kick. Remember, it’s all about finding your perfect balance of flavors.

Cook low and slow:

Simmering the Chicken Vindaloo on low heat allows the flavors to develop and intensify over time. This slow cooking process ensures that the chicken becomes tender and absorbs all the aromatic spices, resulting in a truly delectable dish. Patience is key here!

Play with additional spices:

While our recipe provides a solid foundation of spices, don’t hesitate to experiment and add your personal touch. 

If you enjoy smoky flavors, try incorporating a touch of smoked paprika. For a hint of sweetness, a pinch of ground cardamom or a sprinkle of brown sugar can work wonders. Get creative and make it your own!

Garnish with fresh herbs:

Don’t forget the finishing touch! Just before serving, garnish your Chicken Vindaloo with a generous sprinkle of fresh cilantro leaves. 

The vibrant green color and refreshing flavor will complement the robust spices and elevate the visual appeal of your dish.

Allow flavors to meld:

Like many stews and curries, Chicken Vindaloo tastes even better the next day. If you have the patience, let the flavors meld overnight in the refrigerator. The extra time allows the spices to blend harmoniously, resulting in a more flavorful and well-rounded dish.

What to serve with Chicken vindaloo

In this section, we’ll explore a variety of delicious options that complement the bold and spicy flavors of Chicken Vindaloo. 

From rice to bread and refreshing sides, we’ve got you covered with the best choices to create a well-rounded and satisfying meal. 

So, let’s dive in and discover what to serve alongside your Chicken Vindaloo masterpiece!

Steamed Basmati Rice:

There’s a reason why rice and curries are a match made in heaven. The light and fluffy texture of steamed basmati rice perfectly balances the bold flavors of Chicken Vindaloo. 

Its subtle aroma and ability to absorb the savory gravy make it an ideal choice for serving. Simply cook the rice according to the package instructions, and you’ll have a perfect bed for your flavorful Chicken Vindaloo.

Naan Bread:

Indulge in the irresistible combination of Chicken Vindaloo and freshly baked naan bread. The soft and pillowy texture of naan is perfect for scooping up every bit of the rich and spicy gravy. Whether you choose plain naan or opt for variations like garlic naan or cheese naan, it’s guaranteed to elevate your dining experience.

Roti or Chapati:

For a lighter and healthier alternative to naan, consider serving Chicken Vindaloo with roti or chapati. 

These unleavened Indian breads are made from whole wheat flour and provide a slightly chewy texture that pairs wonderfully with the flavors of the dish. 

Their versatility makes them a great option for savoring every last bit of delectable gravy.

Cucumber Raita:

Cool down the heat of Chicken Vindaloo with a refreshing side of cucumber raita. Made with yogurt, cucumber, and a touch of spices, raita offers a creamy and cooling contrast to the spiciness of the dish. 

Its tanginess and refreshing flavors help balance out the meal, making it a perfect accompaniment.

Mixed Vegetable Salad:

Add a touch of freshness to your Chicken Vindaloo feast with a colorful mixed vegetable salad. Chop up your favorite vegetables, like cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions, and toss them together with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt and black pepper. 

This vibrant salad brings a delightful crunch and a burst of freshness to the table.


For a crispy and addictive side, consider serving papadums alongside Chicken Vindaloo. These thin and crispy Indian lentil crackers can be roasted or fried to perfection and make a fantastic accompaniment. 

Their delicate texture and mild flavor provide a lovely contrast to the bold and spicy flavors of the dish.

Storage and reheating instructions for Chicken vindaloo

In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of storing your Chicken Vindaloo properly and reheating it to retain its delicious flavors. 

Whether you choose to use a microwave oven or the stovetop method, I’ll provide you with simple and effective instructions to ensure your leftovers taste just as amazing as the day you made them. 

So, let’s dive in and learn how to store and reheat your Chicken Vindaloo!

Storage Instructions:

Allow it to cool: 

Before storing your Chicken Vindaloo, let it cool to room temperature. This helps prevent condensation and the growth of bacteria in the container.

Choose the right container: 

Transfer the Chicken Vindaloo to an airtight container or airtight freezer-safe bag. Ensure the container is clean, dry, and able to seal tightly to maintain freshness.


If you plan to consume the leftovers within 2 to 3 days, store the Chicken Vindaloo in the refrigerator. Make sure to label the container with the date for easy reference.


To extend the shelf life, you can freeze your Chicken Vindaloo. Portion it into meal-sized servings and place them in freezer-safe containers or bags. 

Remove as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. Properly stored, Chicken Vindaloo can stay in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Reheating Instructions – Microwave Oven:

Transfer to a microwave-safe dish: 

Take out the desired portion of Chicken Vindaloo from the refrigerator or freezer and transfer it to a microwave-safe dish.

Loosen the sauce: 

If the sauce has thickened in the refrigerator or freezer, you can add a splash of water or chicken broth to loosen it up.

Cover and microwave: 

Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap to retain moisture. Microwave on medium heat in 1-minute intervals, stirring in between, until the Chicken Vindaloo is heated through. Be cautious not to overheat to avoid drying out the dish.

Reheating Instructions – Stovetop:

Heat a pan: 

Place a non-stick pan or skillet over medium heat on the stovetop. You can add a drizzle of oil or a pat of butter to prevent sticking, if desired.

Add the Chicken Vindaloo: 

Transfer the desired portion of Chicken Vindaloo to the heated pan. Stir occasionally to ensure even heating.

Heat through: 

Cook the Chicken Vindaloo on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it is heated through. This usually takes around 5-10 minutes, depending on the portion size and the initial temperature.

Check the consistency: 

If the sauce has thickened, you can add a splash of water or chicken broth to adjust the consistency while reheating.

Variations of the recipe

If you thought Chicken Vindaloo was a one-size-fits-all dish, think again! In this section, we’ll explore some exciting variations of this beloved recipe that will allow you to customize and experiment with flavors to suit your preferences. 

From adding unique ingredients to tweaking the spice levels, these variations will take your Chicken Vindaloo experience to new heights. 

So, let’s dive in and explore the delightful world of Chicken Vindaloo variations!

Seafood Vindaloo:

If you’re a seafood lover, why not swap out the chicken for shrimp, fish, or even crab in your Vindaloo? 

The tangy and spicy flavors of the Vindaloo sauce work wonderfully with a variety of seafood, adding an extra layer of complexity to the dish. 

Adjust the cooking time based on the seafood you choose, ensuring it is cooked through and infused with the flavorful sauce.

Vegetarian Vindaloo:

For our vegetarian friends, fear not! You can still enjoy the vibrant flavors of Vindaloo by replacing the chicken with vegetables like potatoes, cauliflower, or bell peppers. 

The vegetables soak up the tangy and spicy sauce beautifully, creating a hearty and satisfying dish. 

Simply adjust the cooking time based on the vegetable you choose, ensuring they are tender and well-cooked.

Lamb Vindaloo:

Looking to indulge in a richer and meatier version of Vindaloo? Try using tender pieces of lamb instead of chicken. 

Lamb adds its own distinct flavor and tenderness to the dish, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a more robust and hearty meal. 

The longer cooking time allows the flavors to meld and the lamb to become incredibly tender.

Pork Vindaloo:

Influenced by the Portuguese roots of Vindaloo, the traditional Goan recipe often features pork as the star ingredient. 

The combination of succulent pork and the tangy-spicy Vindaloo sauce creates an unforgettable culinary experience. The flavors of the pork meld beautifully with the bold spices, resulting in a delectable and comforting dish.

Fusion Vindaloo:

Feeling adventurous? Give your Chicken Vindaloo a fusion twist by incorporating elements from other cuisines. 

For example, you can add a touch of coconut milk for a creamy and tropical twist. Or, infuse it with Asian flavors by adding soy sauce or fish sauce. 

Get creative and let your taste buds guide you on this flavorful culinary journey.

Related recipes


What is vindaloo spice made of?

Vindaloo spice typically consists of a blend of aromatic and flavorful spices, including cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, and sometimes cardamom. The combination of these spices creates the unique and robust flavor profile that is characteristic of vindaloo dishes.

What’s the difference between chicken vindaloo and chicken tikka masala?

Chicken vindaloo and chicken tikka masala are both popular Indian dishes, but they have distinct differences. 
Chicken vindaloo is known for its fiery and tangy flavors, while chicken tikka masala is more creamy and mild. 
Vindaloo features a tangy sauce made with vinegar, tomatoes, and a blend of spices, while tikka masala is cooked in a creamy tomato-based sauce.

What’s the difference between vindaloo and curry?

Vindaloo is a specific type of curry known for its fiery and tangy flavors. The main difference lies in the combination of spices and ingredients used. While curry can encompass a wide range of dishes with various flavors and heat levels, vindaloo is characterized by its distinct spiciness and the use of vinegar in the sauce.

Is vindaloo the spiciest?

Vindaloo is often associated with being one of the spiciest Indian dishes due to the presence of red chilies and chili powder in the spice blend.
However, the level of spiciness can vary depending on personal preferences and the amount of chili used in the recipe.
Adjusting the spice level is always possible by reducing or increasing the amount of chili according to your taste.

What does vindaloo do to your body?

Vindaloo, like many spicy dishes, can have potential health benefits. Spicy foods, including vindaloo, may help boost metabolism, aid digestion, and release endorphins that promote a sense of well-being. Additionally, certain spices used in vindaloo, such as turmeric and cumin, are known for their potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Is chicken vindaloo too spicy?

Chicken vindaloo is known for its spiciness, but the level of heat can be adjusted to suit personal preferences. By reducing the amount of chili or using milder varieties, you can tone down the spice level. It’s always a good idea to start with a smaller amount of chili and adjust it according to your desired level of spiciness.

What does vindaloo curry taste like?

Vindaloo curry has a distinct flavor profile characterized by a harmonious blend of spices. It is bold, tangy, and spicy, with notes of vinegar, garlic, ginger, and a medley of aromatic spices. The heat from the chilies is balanced by the tanginess of the vinegar, resulting in a robust and flavorful curry that is both tangy and spicy.

What curry is hotter than vindaloo?

If you’re looking for a curry that’s even hotter than vindaloo, you might consider trying a Phaal curry. Phaal is known to be one of the spiciest curries, often made with a combination of super-hot chili peppers like Bhut Jolokia or Carolina Reaper. It’s not for the faint of heart, so be prepared for an intense spice experience!

Why is it called chicken vindaloo?

The name “vindaloo” is derived from the Portuguese dish “Carne de Vinha d’Alhos,” which means meat marinated in garlic wine vinegar. When the Portuguese introduced this dish to Goa, India, the locals added their own spices and flavors, including the use of red chilies, resulting in the creation of the fiery and tangy Chicken Vindaloo we know today.

Why is vindaloo so good?

Vindaloo is beloved by many for its intense and complex flavors. The combination of tangy vinegar, aromatic spices, and fiery chilies creates a symphony of tastes that tantalizes the palate. The balance between heat, tanginess, and aromatic spices makes vindaloo a delightful and addictive dish that keeps people coming back for more.

Is vindaloo curry good for you?

Vindaloo curry can be a healthy choice when consumed in moderation and made with wholesome ingredients. The spices used in vindaloo, such as turmeric, cumin, and coriander, offer potential health benefits. Additionally, lean proteins like chicken and the inclusion of vegetables in the dish contribute to its nutritional value.

What’s the difference between chicken korma and vindaloo?

Chicken korma and vindaloo are two distinct Indian curry dishes. Chicken korma is known for its creamy and mildly spiced sauce, often made with yogurt, cream, and a blend of aromatic spices. Vindaloo, on the other hand, is characterized by its fiery and tangy flavors, with a base of vinegar, tomatoes, and a robust spice blend.

Do Indians actually eat vindaloo?

Yes, Indians do eat vindaloo! Originating in the Indian state of Goa, vindaloo has become a popular dish across the country. It is enjoyed by people of various regions and is particularly loved by those who appreciate spicy and tangy flavors. Vindaloo has also gained popularity in Indian restaurants worldwide.

Is vindaloo good for losing weight?

Vindaloo can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced meal plan. The spices used in vindaloo, such as turmeric and cumin, have been associated with potential metabolic benefits. However, it’s important to consider portion sizes and the overall composition of your meals when aiming for weight loss.

What can I add to vindaloo to make it less spicy?

To make vindaloo less spicy, you can add ingredients that help balance the heat. Consider adding a dollop of plain yogurt or coconut milk to mellow the spiciness and provide a creamy element. Additionally, adding a bit of sweetness, such as a touch of honey or sugar, can help counteract the heat.

Why is there a potato in my vindaloo?

The addition of potatoes in vindaloo is a traditional element of the dish. Potatoes absorb the flavors of the tangy and spicy sauce, adding a pleasing texture and helping to balance the heat. They also provide a hearty and satisfying element to the dish, making it a complete meal.

How do you make chicken vindaloo less spicy?

If your chicken vindaloo turned out spicier than anticipated, there are a few ways to dial down the heat. You can try adding a bit of sweetness, such as sugar or honey, to counteract the spice. Adding a dairy product like yogurt or coconut milk can also help mellow the heat. Another option is to increase the volume of the other ingredients to dilute the spiciness.

What kind of vinegar do you use for vindaloo?

The traditional choice of vinegar for vindaloo is malt vinegar. However, if malt vinegar is not available, you can use other types of vinegar like white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or red wine vinegar as substitutes. Each type of vinegar adds its own unique flavor profile to the dish, so feel free to experiment and find your preference.

Is vindaloo supposed to be sour?

Yes, vindaloo is known for its tangy and sour flavor profile. The tanginess comes from the vinegar used in the recipe, which gives vindaloo its distinctive taste. The combination of tanginess and spiciness creates a perfect balance that sets vindaloo apart from other curry dishes.

Is Costco vindaloo spicy?

The spice level of Costco vindaloo can vary, as it depends on the specific brand and recipe used. Some brands may offer milder versions of vindaloo, while others may lean towards a spicier profile. It’s always a good idea to check the label or inquire about the spice level when purchasing vindaloo from Costco or any other store.

What does the word vindaloo mean in English?

The word “vindaloo” originates from the Portuguese dish “Carne de Vinha d’Alhos,” which means meat marinated in garlic wine vinegar. In English, the word vindaloo has become synonymous with the fiery and tangy curry dish that we know and love today.

Is vindaloo considered curry?

Yes, vindaloo is considered a type of curry. It is a flavorful and spiced dish that falls under the broader category of Indian curries. Vindaloo is known for its specific combination of tangy and spicy flavors, setting it apart from other curry variations.

How do you say vindaloo in India?

In India, vindaloo is pronounced as “vin-da-loo” with the emphasis on the first syllable, “vin.” It is always delightful to learn the correct pronunciation of dishes, and this way, you can confidently order vindaloo the next time you visit an Indian restaurant!

Why does vindaloo have vinegar?

The addition of vinegar in vindaloo serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it helps tenderize the meat by breaking down its fibers during the marinating process. Secondly, it imparts a tangy flavor that balances the heat from the spices. Lastly, the vinegar acts as a natural preservative, allowing vindaloo to have a longer shelf life.

How do you thicken vindaloo sauce?

To thicken vindaloo sauce, you have a few options. One common method is to let the sauce simmer uncovered for a longer period, allowing the excess moisture to evaporate and naturally thicken the sauce. Alternatively, you can create a slurry by mixing equal parts of cornstarch and water, then add it gradually to the simmering sauce while stirring continuously until the desired consistency is achieved.

Is butter chicken vindaloo?

No, butter chicken is not the same as vindaloo. Butter chicken, also known as murgh makhani, is a popular North Indian dish characterized by its rich and creamy tomato-based sauce. It has a milder flavor profile compared to the tangy and spicy vindaloo. While both dishes are delicious in their own right, they offer distinct taste experiences.

What do you eat vindaloo with?

Vindaloo is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed with various accompaniments. Traditionally, it is served with steamed basmati rice, which helps balance the spicy and tangy flavors of the dish. Naan bread or roti is also commonly served alongside vindaloo, allowing you to scoop up the delicious sauce. Additionally, you can pair it with cucumber raita or a side salad to add a refreshing element to your meal.

What religion is vindaloo?

Vindaloo is not associated with any particular religion. It is a popular dish originating from the Indian state of Goa, where people of different religious backgrounds, including Hindus and Christians, enjoy it. Vindaloo’s popularity has spread across different regions and is appreciated by people of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.

Why does vindaloo burn?

The burning sensation experienced when eating vindaloo is due to the presence of hot chili peppers and chili powder in the dish. These ingredients contain a compound called capsaicin, which stimulates the heat receptors in our taste buds, creating a sensation of spiciness. The level of burn can vary depending on the amount of chili used and personal tolerance to spice.

How hot is chicken vindaloo?

Chicken vindaloo is known for its spiciness, but the heat level can vary depending on the recipe and personal preferences. Traditionally, vindaloo is quite spicy due to the use of red chilies and chili powder. However, you can adjust the spiciness by reducing or increasing the amount of chili according to your taste.

What does vindaloo mean in Indian?

In Indian cuisine, the word “vindaloo” is derived from the Portuguese dish “Carne de Vinha d’Alhos,” which means meat marinated in garlic wine vinegar. The dish was adapted by the Goan community in India, resulting in the creation of the spicy and tangy vindaloo we know today.

What Indian dish is hotter than vindaloo?

If you’re looking for an Indian dish that’s hotter than vindaloo, you might want to try dishes made with ghost peppers or bhut jolokia. These peppers are known to be extremely spicy and are used in certain regional cuisines of India. Dishes like Naga Curry, made with Naga chili peppers, can be significantly hotter than vindaloo.

How long does chicken vindaloo last?

When stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator, chicken vindaloo can last for up to 3-4 days. If you have leftovers that you won’t consume within that time frame, you can freeze them in a freezer-safe container or bag. Properly frozen, chicken vindaloo can last for up to 3 months.

Is tikka masala spicier than vindaloo?

No, tikka masala is generally milder in terms of spiciness compared to vindaloo. Tikka masala is known for its creamy and tomato-based sauce, which provides a mild and rich flavor profile. Vindaloo, on the other hand, is known for its fiery and tangy flavors, making it a spicier option.

Which is spicier, Rogan Josh or vindaloo?

When comparing Rogan Josh and vindaloo, vindaloo is typically spicier. Vindaloo is known for its fiery and tangy flavors, derived from the use of hot chili peppers and chili powder. Rogan Josh, on the other hand, has a more balanced spice level, with a combination of aromatic spices that contribute to its flavor profile.

What’s hotter, vindaloo or tindaloo?

Both vindaloo and tindaloo are known for their spiciness, but vindaloo is generally considered to be hotter. The word “tindaloo” is a variation of “vindaloo” and is used to describe an even spicier version of the dish. Tindaloo often features an increased amount of chili peppers, intensifying the heat.

Who eats vindaloo?

Vindaloo is enjoyed by people of various backgrounds and cultures, both in India and around the world. It is a popular choice among spice lovers who appreciate its bold and tangy flavors. Vindaloo has gained international popularity and can be found on menus in Indian restaurants worldwide.

Why is vindaloo so red?

The red color of vindaloo comes from the combination of spices used in the recipe, including red chili powder and sometimes paprika. These spices lend a vibrant red hue to the sauce, adding to the visual appeal of the dish. The intense color also hints at the fiery flavors that await.

Is a vindaloo good for you?

Vindaloo can be a part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced meal plan. The spices used in vindaloo, such as turmeric, cumin, and coriander, offer potential health benefits. However, it’s important to consider portion sizes and the overall composition of your meals to maintain a well-rounded diet.

What is the difference between chicken vindaloo and chicken Madras?

The main difference between chicken vindaloo and chicken Madras lies in their flavor profiles. Vindaloo is known for its fiery and tangy taste, while Madras curry is characterized by its medium spiciness and rich, deep flavors. Both dishes use a blend of spices, but the specific combinations and proportions differ, resulting in distinct culinary experiences.

What is ghost vindaloo?

Ghost vindaloo is a variation of the traditional vindaloo dish that incorporates the use of ghost peppers, also known as Bhut Jolokia, which are one of the hottest chili peppers in the world. Ghost vindaloo takes the heat level to an extreme, creating a truly fiery and intense flavor experience for those who dare to try it.

What is vindaloo paste made of?

Vindaloo paste is typically made by blending together a variety of spices and ingredients. The exact recipe may vary, but common components include red chili peppers, garlic, ginger, onion, vinegar, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and other aromatic spices. The paste serves as a convenient and flavorful base for making vindaloo dishes.

Is vindaloo the hottest curry?

While vindaloo is known for its spiciness, it is not necessarily the hottest curry available. There are other curry dishes and regional specialties that can be even hotter, such as those made with extremely hot chili peppers like Naga or Bhut Jolokia. The level of heat can vary depending on personal tolerance and the recipe used.

What kind of chili is used in vindaloo?

The type of chili used in vindaloo can vary depending on personal preference and availability. Common choices include red chili powder, Kashmiri chili powder, cayenne pepper, or even fresh red chili peppers. The specific chili used contributes to the level of heat and flavor in the dish.

Is chicken vindaloo good for a cold?

Chicken vindaloo, like many spicy dishes, can help clear your sinuses and provide a comforting warmth when you have a cold. The heat from the spices may temporarily alleviate congestion and provide a soothing sensation. However, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust the spice level according to your comfort and tolerance.

Should vindaloo have potatoes?

Traditionally, vindaloo often includes potatoes as an ingredient. Potatoes not only add a delicious texture to the dish but also help balance the heat of the spices. They absorb the tangy and spicy flavors of the sauce, creating a satisfying and well-rounded culinary experience.

What curry is hotter, Naga or vindaloo?

When it comes to heat, Naga curry is generally hotter than vindaloo. Naga curry is made with Naga chili peppers, which are known for their extreme spiciness. Vindaloo, on the other hand, is known for its tangy and fiery flavors but may not reach the same level of heat as Naga curry.

How do you make vindaloo less spicy?

To make vindaloo less spicy, you can reduce the amount of chili or use milder chili varieties in the recipe. You can also balance the heat by adding ingredients like yogurt, coconut milk, or a bit of sweetness such as sugar or honey. Adjusting the spice level allows you to enjoy the flavors of vindaloo while keeping the heat at a comfortable level.

What is vindaloo vs curry?

Vindaloo is a specific type of curry known for its fiery and tangy flavors. It is characterized by the use of vinegar in the sauce, which gives it a unique tanginess. Curry, on the other hand, is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of dishes with varying flavors, ingredients, and spice levels. Vindaloo is just one of the many curry variations available.

Which is the hottest, vindaloo or Madras?

In terms of heat, vindaloo is generally considered hotter than Madras curry. Vindaloo is known for its fiery and tangy flavors, with a significant level of spiciness. Madras curry, although still spicy, typically offers a more balanced heat level. The intensity of the spice can vary depending on the recipe and personal preferences.

What does vindaloo translate as?

The word “vindaloo” translates to “meat marinated in garlic wine vinegar.” The name vindaloo is derived from the Portuguese dish “Carne de Vinha d’Alhos,” which shares similar characteristics of marinating meat in vinegar and garlic. Over time, vindaloo evolved in Goa, India, and acquired its distinct spicy and tangy flavors.

Does vindaloo contain tomato?

Yes, vindaloo often contains tomatoes as part of the sauce base. The tomatoes contribute to the overall flavor and help create the rich and tangy profile of the dish. The combination of tomatoes, vinegar, and spices gives vindaloo its unique taste.

Easy Chicken Vindaloo Recipe

Hey there, foodies! Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure with our lip-smacking Chicken Vindaloo recipe. Originating from the sunny coasts of Goa in India, this dish is famous for its fiery flavors and aromatic spices. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of creating this tantalizing dish right in your own kitchen. So, let's gather our ingredients and get started!
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: easy, indian chicken recipe
Calories: 315kcal


  • 1.5 pounds boneless chicken
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • Red chilies adjust according to heat preference
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 4 cloves
  • Small piece of cinnamon stick about 1 inch
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 2 tomatoes chopped
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • Salt to taste


Marinate the chicken:

  • In a large bowl, combine the boneless chicken pieces, vinegar, minced garlic, and grated ginger. Mix well to ensure the chicken is coated with the marinade. Cover and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or overnight.

Prepare the spice blend:

  • In a small bowl, combine ground cumin, ground coriander, ground turmeric, cloves, and cinnamon stick. Mix them together to create a flavorful spice blend.

Sauté the onions:

  • Heat oil in a large, deep pan or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion and sauté until golden brown, stirring occasionally. This will take about 5-7 minutes.

Add the spice blend:

  • Once the onions are nicely browned, add the prepared spice blend to the pan. Stir well to coat the onions evenly with the spices. Cook for about 1 minute, stirring continuously to release the flavors.

Cook the chicken:

  • Add the marinated chicken to the pan and stir well to combine with the onions and spices. Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is lightly browned on the outside.

Add tomatoes and simmer:

  • Add the chopped tomatoes to the pan and stir them into the chicken mixture. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan, and let the Chicken Vindaloo simmer for about 30-40 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and tender. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

Adjust seasoning:

  • Taste the Chicken Vindaloo and season with salt according to your preference. Add a squeeze of lemon juice if desired for extra tanginess.

Serve and enjoy:

  • Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves and serve the Chicken Vindaloo hot with steamed basmati rice, naan bread, or crusty bread. It pairs well with cucumber raita or yogurt on the side.


  • Marinating the chicken overnight will result in a more flavorful and tender outcome. If you’re short on time, marinate for at least 30 minutes.
  • Adjust the amount of red chilies or chili powder based on your heat preference. Start with less and add more if desired.
  • Garam masala can be used as a substitute for the individual spices in the spice blend. Use the same quantity as mentioned in the recipe.
  • Slow cooking on low heat allows the flavors to develop and intensify, resulting in a more delicious Chicken Vindaloo.
  • The dish tastes even better the next day as the flavors have more time to meld. Consider making it ahead of time for maximum flavor.
  • Feel free to customize the recipe by adding other spices like smoked paprika or ground cardamom to suit your taste.
  • Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves just before serving for a vibrant touch.
  • Serve with steamed basmati rice, naan bread, or crusty bread to soak up the delicious gravy.
    Enjoy your homemade Chicken Vindaloo, filled with the fiery and aromatic tastes of Goa!

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