How to Make Perfect Chapati the Very First Time (The Secret Tricks You’ve Been Looking For Included)

Welcome to the delightful world of chapati making! If you’re a kitchen beginner or someone who hasn’t quite nailed the art of chapati yet, fear not – we’ve got the detailed steps and secret tricks that will have you making perfect chapatis right from the get-go.


Making the Perfect Chapati


  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • Water (as needed)
  • Salt (a pinch)
  • Ghee or oil (for cooking)


  1. Measure and Mix: Start with two cups of whole wheat flour in a mixing bowl. Add a pinch of salt for flavor. Gradually add water while kneading until you achieve a soft, pliable consistency. This might take a bit of trial and error, but aim for a dough that isn’t too sticky or too dry.
  2. Knead Like a Pro: Kneading is the secret to soft chapatis. Spend a good 10 minutes working the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. If it feels sticky, sprinkle a bit more flour; if it’s too dry, add a splash of water.
  3. Rest the Dough: Allow the dough to rest for at least 30 minutes. Cover it with a damp cloth to prevent drying. This resting period is crucial as it lets the gluten relax, resulting in softer chapatis.
  4. Divide and Roll: Now, divide the dough into golf ball-sized portions. Roll each portion into a smooth ball between your palms. Dust the ball with flour and roll it into a flat, round chapati using a rolling pin.
  5. Heat the Tawa or Pan: Heat a tawa or non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Once hot, carefully place the rolled chapati on it.
  6. Cooking Time: Cook each side for about 30 seconds or until you see small bubbles forming. Flip and repeat. Apply a little ghee or oil to make them extra delicious.
  7. Puffing Magic: Keep an eye out for the magical moment when your chapati puffs up. Gently press with a spatula to encourage puffing. It might take a few tries, but you’ll get the hang of it!

Helpful Tips and Tricks

1. Temperature Matters:

Ensure your tawa or pan is hot but not smoking. This helps the chapati cook quickly and puff up. If it’s smoking excessively, reduce the heat.

2. Don’t Skip the Rest:

Allowing the dough to rest is crucial. It improves the texture and makes rolling easier. If you’re short on time, you can even let it rest for an hour or more.

3. Rolling Thickness:

Roll your chapatis evenly. Too thin, and they might dry out; too thick, and they won’t puff up well. Aim for a thickness similar to that of a tortilla.

4. Keep it Covered:

Once cooked, stack the chapatis and cover them with a clean kitchen towel. The steam will keep them soft. If you’re making a large batch, consider using a casserole dish to keep them warm.

5. Experiment with Flours:

Feel free to mix different flours or add a touch of your favorite spices to the dough for a unique flavor. Chapati making is an art – don’t be afraid to get creative!


Congratulations on embarking on your chapati-making journey armed with detailed steps and essential tips. Remember, perfection comes with practice, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempts aren’t flawless. With time, you’ll become a chapati master, delighting your taste buds with homemade goodness. Happy chapati making!

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